1908 Raker Society

Ensuring Good Shepherd's Long-Term Success

1908 Raker Society

Rev. Dr. Conrad W. Raker, son of Rev. John & Estella Raker, with Good Shepherd residents, 1945.

The 1908 Raker Society was established to honor the vision of our founders, The Rev. John Raker and his wife Estella, and to recognize special friends like you who share their vision. Over the past 100 years, the forward-thinking generosity of 1908 Raker Society members has allowed Good Shepherd to embrace new treatments and technologies and respond quickly to the needs of the community we serve. By informing us of your bequest now, you allow Good Shepherd to plan for the future so that we can continue to respond to the needs of our residents and patients.

You may notify Good Shepherd of your intentions now by using our Confidential Bequest Intention Form. Simply download the document, fill it out and email it to gpugliese@gsrh.org.